Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cape Town International Kite Festival

The 18th Cape Town International Kite Festival, 3 and 4 November 2012, was held at Zandvlei, Muizenberg. The funds raised went to Cape Mental Health. For more information on the festival go to http://www.capementalhealth.co.za/kite/index.

To view all the photographs go to my website http://goo.gl/aBCrW.

Steven Leonard (South Africa) is a stunt kiter.
You should see how he dances with the kite.

These girls are part of the Malaysian Team

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Photographing in the Moonlight

 The sun goes down, you pack the camera away. The moon comes out, get your camera and tripod out.


I was at a function at Morgansvlei Country Estate (www.morgansvlei.com) on Friday evening. Late in the evening I went outside to get some fresh air. The moon was almost full, and there were some clouds in the sky. The lights of the Morganvlei buildings were reflecting in the dam. The moon were lighting up the clouds. So I got my camera and tripod out. These photographs are a result of the shoot.

Clouds in the moon light
Buildings reflecting and clouds light by the moon
The photographs were shot at shutter speed of 15 to 20 seconds.

More photos can been seen on my website, click to view http://normanc.photoshelter.com/gallery/Moon-Light/G0000kQ8oGMKegqM/.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Best piece of photographic advice I can give to anybody;

  1. Shoot. 
  2. Criticize the photographs.  
  3. Understand why a photograph works or doesn’t.  
  4. Think how you could have improved the photograph.  
  5. Start again.